About Us


Years Experience

Here at Milk Bottle Tops we’re just like you!

We like milk in the morning with our breakfast, and in our tea, and we want to do our bit for the environment at the same time!

So we created a company that supplies reusable milk bottle tops - simple, sustainable, recyclable - good for the environment, great for the kitchen table!

We’re a family run business, using our talents as parents to help teach and inspire our kids into building something that matters!

Like you, we want to ensure that we pass along great principles, good examples, and impart our knowledge and skills that will help set the next generation up as best as possible!

That’s why Milk Bottle Tops exists!

If you see an ad online, it was one of the boys experimenting in design and creativity, when you receive your order it will be in a package that one of them created.

We are involving them as much as possible (although it’s still one of us parents who gets to walk to the Post Office!)

Why Choose Our Milk Bottle Tops?

We work with local manufacturers to produce these reusable, recyclable, and funky tops – that will add a splash of colour to your fridge, without a splash of milk on your table!

Our reusable milk bottle tops are made in Nottingham, just 8 miles from where we live, and are fully 100% recyclable.

Made from low density plastic that can be used over and over again, they are the antidote to single use plastic waste.

And unlike silicone alternatives, they can be recycled if needed. The plastic we use is the same type that your council can recycle in your kerbside waste, no special facilities needed.

We like silicone – our spatulas are made from, and it’s awesome for the right job, but for reusable milk bottles, a low density, low carbon footprint, made in the UK solution is the right tool for the job!

So, that’s us - we want to end single use plastics at the breakfast table, keeping your milk fresh (and supporting local dairies at the same time!), and reducing the stress of waving arms and spilt milk!